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The School's Child Safeguarding Policy sets out to outline the actions that will be taken to ensure that all pupils are properly safeguarded in school and at home.

This Policy is based on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child legislation relating to the Rights of the Child (in particular Articles 19 and 24), the European Convention on the exercise of Children’s Rights, the Cyprus Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights Law. This policy also incorporates the UK best practice and NSPCC guidelines.

This policy aligns with the relevant legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, as detailed at: and It is also consistent with the Globeducate Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

The welfare of the child is at the heart of this Policy. This Policy emphasises the need for good levels of communication between all members of staff and those with designated responsibility for child safeguarding and protection.

All members of staff are duty bound to help ensure the wellbeing and safeguarding of all the school’s pupils.

Aims of the policy

  • To help to ensure children are able to develop in a safe environment
  • To identify children who may be suffering or who may be vulnerable to significant harm and to take action to safeguard such children both in school and at home from the risk of significant harm
  • To take any appropriate action to ensure the well-being of children who may require support or protection

This Policy is to be read and implemented in conjunction, where relevant, with the school’s policies stated in the Study Guide, Rules and Regulations 2024-25 and the Staff Handbook 2024-25.

Safeguarding policy download